American / Metric Conversion Table

Use this table to compare American (Imperial) to Metric sizes. Indigo magnets increment in multiples of 2.5mm (~1/10") to simplify prototyping. The few with 1mm thicknesses are the main exception.

American (Imperial)/Metric Conversion Table

Inch Decimal mm Rounded
1/32" 0.031 0.8 1
3/32" 0.094 2.4 2.5
5/32" 0.156 4.0 4
1/16" 0.063 1.6 1.5
3/16" 0.188 4.8 5
2/10" 0.200 5.1 5
1/8" 0.125 3.2 3.75
1/4" 0.250 6.4 7.5
5/16" 0.313 7.9 7.5
3/8" 0.375 9.5 10
13/32" 0.406 10.3 10
1/2" 0.500 12.7 12.5
9/16" 0.563 14.3 15
5/8" 0.625 15.9 15
11/16" 0.688 17.5 17.5
3/4" 0.750 19.1 20
13/16" 0.813 20.6 20
7/8" 0.875 22.2 22.5
15/16" 0.938 23.8 25