Methane, ethane, propane, butane & isobutane are shown but this set includes enough carbons & hydrogens to build a variety of branched alkanes; only $36.95.
Just enter any alkane into our 3D Model Builder & it will produce an image you can rotate as well as a parts list.
For a slightly different approach, try our AtoMag™ magnetic alkanes models
Indigo Instruments has maintained a substantial inventory of genuine Molymod atoms & bonds for over 30 years. These parts are compatible with every student & teacher molecular model set we have sold since day 1. This level of quality may appear expensive but no parts support from other vendors costs even more.
Every Molymod molecular model set sold by Indigo Instruments is fully compatible with older ones you might own. You can also replenish an old set or customize it with Genuine quality Molymod parts.
Organic Inorganic Chemistry
Exactly what I was expecting. I appreciate that it also comes with a piece that helps you remove the connector pieces so it is easy to use. They kept me informed without sending too many emails. Shipping was faster than expected too.
It was good for the first 3 chapters of orgo. I made functional groups and was able to visualize them better thanks to this kit. However once you get into chair and boat conformations, they were much too jangly and plyable to be practical. None of the bonds provided are stiff enough to help with stereochemistry. They are well made as they are. I just did not find them useful for stereochemistry. I'll probably keep them in functional groups for recognition and testing.
Very easy to use and plenty of pieces, so you don't fall short when building compounds. It helps when visualizing the structure of elements and especially when producing constitutional isomers of compounds.
It you ever need to augment this set, we carry a complete line of atoms and bonds & you can use our 3D Molecular Model Builder to determine what you need.
Just as described. Super fast shipping!!!
It is a solid product that is easy to work with. The pieces do not get too stuck together nor do they fall apart from each other. It is helpful to have in lecture, and I'd buy more from them if I needed to.
We ordered ten new sets and a bunch of spare bonds. Came very quickly (like next day!) Staff were super helpful when I called to order.
Glad we could help!
Thanks for the feedback. Chair boat can be tricky. If you position your fingers the same way we show with the magnetic version, it will work better. See the video for "cyclohexane". You can actually feel the difference between the chair (resistant) & boat (low resistance).