Wurtzite Unit Cell Molecular Model

SKU: 68764W

$55.95USD Each


The image shows the hexagonal unit cell for Wurtzite. The 8 identical corners of the unit cell are represented by the yellow sulfur (S2-) ions while the silver (Zn2+) ions occupy 1/2 of the tetrahedral holes of the HCP lattice. The 2 red atoms denote other atoms in an adjacent unit cell.

Wurtzite is the less common structural polymorph form of ZnS, a binary octet semiconductor & can be combined with Zinc Blende as a joint substrate for nanowires.

Indigo Instruments has maintained a substantial inventory of genuine Cochranes of Oxford (Orbit) parts for 30+ years (scroll down to see "Skeletal (Orbit/Minit) and are compatible with every molecular model kit we have sold since day 1. This level of quality may appear expensive but no parts support from other vendors costs even more.

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