Plant pathogens on even tiny bits of soil, sap or plant debris can be transferred by shovels or cutting blades of pruning shears. These pathogens are microscopic and may still be present even if the tools look clean. Sterilize your garden tools, bonsai scissors or even seedling trays with 5000ppm chlorine bleach to prevent their spreading.
Diluting standard sodium hypochlorite-bleach from 5% to 0.5% (5000ppm) is easy. Just add one part bleach to 9 parts water. The tricky part is that the bleach exposed to atmospheric oxygen, whether undiluted in an opened bottle or diluted solution, degrades rapidly. Use Indigo® 10000ppm high level chlorine test strips to confirm your working bleach solution is at proper strength by matching the dipped strip to the 5000ppm pad on the color chart.
Before you start disinfecting your tools, clean them thoroughly first. Chlorine bound by organic matter whether its soil, sap or debris seriously reduces the effectiveness of bleach disinfectant solutions. See below for a typical tool cleaning & disinfection procedure.
Need to confirm common plant pests and diseases: Use a 15X loupe to identify spider mites, powdery mildew, downy mildew & more.
Standard bleach is 5.25% but there are stronger & weaker versions on the market. The chlorine:water ratio of 1:9 won't for these to get 5000ppm. Watch this video on how to use our chlorine dilution calculator to take out the guesswork. The calculator works in metric (as were the guidelines done by the NIH, FDA, etc. before they converted to American units). Not to worry. A quart is basically the same as a litre, a gallon is 4 litres, a cup is 250ml, a tablespoon is 15mL & a teaspoon is 5ml. There is no need to be exact; the guidelines allow for this.
I have ordered these from Indigo Instruments for years. They are always shipped quickly and the product is of good quality.